Whether it’s A Wonderful LIfe or just a Freaky Friday, there is a segment of cinema - and stories - whose central theme emphasizes that the grass isn’t...

Whether it’s A Wonderful LIfe or just a Freaky Friday, there is a segment of cinema - and stories - whose central theme emphasizes that the grass isn’t...
Over 60 years ago Marvel Comics exposed the world to a superhero “team” from writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby that, if the team’s founder’s ideology...
G.O.D.S. #1 Marvel Comics Writer: Jonathan HickanArtist: Valerio SchitiColor Artist: Marte GraciaLetterer: VC's Travis Lanham Since the late 80s most of...
Just sleep on it. This statement suggests that a single session in a state of slumber is sufficient to solve most any situation. For the...
Astonishing. That is the adjective that the individuals at the the X-Offices chose to attach to this solo adventure for Robert "Bobby" Drake. ...
An accident waiting to happen. Is there a better explanation for the unsettling, anticipatory emanation that the arrival of Bruce Banner creates in an...
During the fabled 90's X-Men era readers would witness a very public execution on a usually private individual. X-cutioner’s Song saw Stryfe nearly...
Does ‘T.E.S.T. Kitchen Infinity Comic #1″ take place in the Avengers Campus universe? Here’s what the creators have to say!
Marvel has brought us back to the adventures of Matt Murdock in a new run of comics featuring Daredevil. In what is set to be Chip Zadarsky and Marco...
We begin our story with the Captain America and the Falcon operating in the American Southwest. Someone has stolen the super soldier serum, and our 2...
What adventure remains for a pirate captain after conquering the 7 seas? Steve Orlando opens the solar sails and sends the Marauders into the waters above...
Who do you think you are and how do you feel others see you? What are you doing with your life? These are some questions each member of the...
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