After an unexpected run-in with Roland Desmond, the new Blockbuster, Nightwing finds himself fighting along side Roland to stop Tiger Shark, who is laundering money through the Marcus Casino. Roland was previously given a task from Tiger Shark to take out Nightwing...
Danny Benavides
Titans #12 Exclusive Preview
During the events in 'The Lazarus Contract', Damian comes up with a drastic plan to take out Kid Flash in the past to cut Deathstroke off from his speed ability. Although the plan worked, this caused a whirlwind of events to unravel. Damian kicked Kid Flash off the...
After defeating Bane and following the trail of the mysterious Button, Batman gets back to the task at hand, which is curing Clair. But now that she is seeing clearly again, what path will Gotham Girl choose and can Batman ensure she stays pointed in right...
DC Comics, Young Animal imprint continues to push the boundaries of storytelling within the DCU, giving us the weird, strange and everything in-between. Lucky for us Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye #8 continues this engaging, fun and out of this world comic book...
Nintendo reveals the first DLC Pack for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Nintendo has revealed several of their new features to come in the first DLC Pack for Breath of the Wild. “Whether you have already completed the adventure or are just getting ready to paraglide into Hyrule for the first time, this new downloadable Expansion Pass...
The Kamandi Challenge #4 Exclusive Preview
After Kamandi found himself fighting off an island full of savage bats and this off the wall tribe, it appears Kamandi cannot catch a break. In next week's issue, Kamandi finds himself against the Leopards Sun Cult. Don't miss next week's issue which hits shelves...
We Play Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, Episode 1
Episode 1 of Guardians of the Galaxy's Telltale Games series hit digital stores last night and provide a nice thirst quencher before the upcoming film hits theaters in May. So far, although there are elements taken from the film and comics, the storytelling seems to...
Achieving authenticity – An Interview with Sand Castle screenwriter, Chris Roessner
Sand Castle is hitting Netflix on April 21st and we spoke with Screenwriter and Iraq War Vet, Chris Roessner about the film. Sand Castle is takes place Iraq in 2003, and follows a group of American soldiers in the early days of the second Gulf War. Bearing witness to...
Interview with Skull Bat Studios on their latest Kickstarter Rephaim: The Shattered City
We got to chat with Jeff and Lacey, the duo behind SkullBat Studios to discuss their latest Kickstarter, Rephaim: The Shattered City. Be sure to check out their campaign live now! How did Skull Bat Studios come together? Jeff: We met in college, our freshmen year....
Telltale Games and Marvel Reveal Trailer for Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series
We've seen little teasers here and there but now the official trailer for the upcoming Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series has been revealed. The game will be a 5 episode series, the first of which will be released on April 18th for $4.99 and will be...