Jimmy Montoya

Grab The Bottle Review

Grab The Bottle Review

Grab The Bottle Developer: Kamina Dimensions Publisher: Kamina Dimensions The Nintendo Switch gets a lot of games on its console the eshop every Thursday and you will see at least twenty new games in there every week, this is not an exaggeration. Today its kind of...

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Disco Dodgeball Remix Review

Disco Dodgeball Remix Review

Disco Dodgeball Remix Publisher: Zen Studios Developer: Zen Studios I have always been a fan of multiplayer games. Two years ago when Overwatch was released I remember spending hours with it, hell, I still do. Last year when I bought my Nintendo Switch I always felt...

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Milanoir Review

Milanoir Review

Milanoir (Nintendo Switch) Developer: Italo Games Release Date: May 31st, 2018 Its only May but if I had to choose a game of the year right now, Milanoir would be in the running for that title. Milanoir is an action adventure game that feels like a property straight...

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Fallen Legion: Rise To Glory (Nintendo Switch Review)

Fallen Legion: Rise To Glory (Nintendo Switch Review)

Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory Developer: SEGA Publisher: Nippon Ichi Software Release Date: May 29th, 2018 I want to start this review by comparing Fallen Legion Rise to Glory to a Transformers movie, its full of action, fun set pieces but it lacks the story that many...

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Jotun (Nintendo Switch Review)

Jotun (Nintendo Switch Review)

Jotun Developer: Thunder Lotus Games Release Date: April 27th, 2018 As a high schooler, I was fascinated by Greek mythology, anything from Zeus to Hades to Poseidon immediately caught my attention. One year in one of my college courses, my professor decided to base...

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Far Cry 5 Review

Far Cry 5 Review

Far Cry 5 Developer: Ubisoft Published: Ubisoft Far Cry 5 is bloody, controversial, violent, and a blast to play. When I first heard of Far Cry 5, I must admit I was not really interested in the game, to me it was more of the same formula with a different setting, but...

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Alteric Review

Alteric Review

Simplicity can be beautiful.  Sometimes being simple is a good thing, in the case of Alteric, simplicity is not enough to keep you playing. Alteric took me roughly four hours to finish its three chapter campaign, which entails of thirty short levels, but my four hour...

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