NetherRealm Studios is keeping the hype going with the newest story trailer for Injustice 2. This trailer focuses on The Society, an alliance of villains led by Gorilla Grodd seeking to gain control of the world now that Superman's Regime is fallen. With The...
Ciara Hinds Gives First Details About Justice League Villain: Steppenwolf
Last year, Ciara Hinds was reported to be doing the motion capture and voice work for Steppenwolf, the main villain for the upcoming Justice League film. In an interview with The Independent, he confirmed this role and gave some new insight into what Steppenwolf will...
Injustice 2 Shattered Alliances Trailer Part 3
Part 3 of "Shattered Alliances", the episodic story trailer for Injustice 2, has just been released! This trailer focuses on Kara Zor-El, a.k.a. Supergirl, and gives us insight into her backstory on Krypton as well as her role in the story of Injustice 2. ...
Injustice 2 Cheetah Trailer
The latest Injustice 2 Gameplay trailer features Wonder Woman's infamous villain, Cheetah! It looks like agility will be a staple of Cheetah's fighting style, as she's able to quickly land devastating hits to perform massive combos. Dr. Barbara Minerva is another...
Green Arrow Identity Revealed for Injustice 2!
Character announcements and story teasers just keep coming in for Netherrealm's Injustice 2! Just a couple of days ago, Firestorm was announced as the latest character to join the official roster. Here's his bio from the Injustice website: Two minds sharing one...
Green Arrow #19 Review
Green Arrow #19 DC Comics Written By: Benjamin Percy Art By: Eleonora Calini Roy Harper’s background is riddled with loss, but reconciliation seems to be on the horizon. After protesters of the “Black Artery” pipeline construction are attacked by a gang called the...
The Origin of A Goddess in This New Wonder Woman Trailer!
Gal Gadot and Chris Pine made an appearance at Nickelodeon's Kid's Choice Awards to premiere a brand new Wonder Woman trailer! Among many things, this trailer features spectacular new footage of Diana growing up on Themyscira, as well as some incredible new action...
A New Wonder Woman Trailer is Coming!!
Back in February, Trailer Track reported that the German FSK had recently rated a new ‘Wonder Woman’ trailer. This would presumably be the final trailer, as the film is just less than three months away. Many fans originally speculated that the trailer would be...
Hope For The DCEU
It’s no secret that the the first three movies in the DC Extended Universe (Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Suicide Squad) have been met with mixed reviews. There are elements of these films that have seemed to polarize audiences, leaving most to become either...