Secret Empire #2 Marvel Comics Written by: Nick Spencer Art by: Andrea Sorrentino with Rod Reis So here we are at issue two of Marvel’s latest huge event… and what a mess. Not only has the series stirred up an enormous amount of bad feeling amongst comic book fans, this outrage has not even translated… Continue reading SECRET EMPIRE #2 REVIEW

RECAST: Guardians Of The Galaxy 1984

Guardians Of The Galaxy has really been the breakout film for Marvel. Sure, the Avengers movies have made a bucket load more cash, but it has been GOTG which has really captured the public’s imagination. But what if it had been made sooner? Say, 1984 perhaps? Who would have been cast to make such an… Continue reading RECAST: Guardians Of The Galaxy 1984

Why The ‘THOR: RAGNAROK’ Trailer Is The Greatest Thing EVER!

As with so many of you, I lived through the dark ages. Steel. Hasselhoff’s Nick Fury. The Justice League TV pilot. Catwoman. Dark, dark days. Then something amazing happened; Blade came along. Here was a movie which didn’t mess with its core inspiration, here was a movie which honored its built-in fan base, and here was… Continue reading Why The ‘THOR: RAGNAROK’ Trailer Is The Greatest Thing EVER!

Dear Marvel…. Please Stop

Whatever your opinion of the direction Marvel has been taking with its comics, the figures can’t lie. A quick glance at the top twenty comic book sales for 2017 show a company which once had a stranglehold on the top figures losing its grip. These figures reflect a fan base who are lost at sea… Continue reading Dear Marvel…. Please Stop

Why THAT Rogue One Ending Was So Important To Darth Vader

Let’s face it, Darth Vader was in danger of becoming a relic. Sure, he will always be the first, the greatest Star Wars villain, but as time has marched on (most likely to the tune of the Imperial March) Darth Vader might have been seen to be obsolete. For the average young Star Wars movie-goer, the… Continue reading Why THAT Rogue One Ending Was So Important To Darth Vader

How Michael Bay Has Transformers Fans By The Balls

This is, ultimately, a tale of hope and faith. Sure, it’s going to involve a lot of inflammatory adjectives directed at Michael Bay and his big, stupid head, but in the end, it is about you, dear reader and your big, dumb, beautiful heart. And how it gets constantly squashed. You see, we Geeks of… Continue reading How Michael Bay Has Transformers Fans By The Balls

10 Directors And The Comic Movies They Should Make

Comic book movies are so IN right now! Not only has the public wholeheartedly embraced them, but the movie world is doing back flips now that they have found properties that can make them enough money to sink their newly purchased yachts with the weight of their newly purchased coke. Probably. Surely, directors from other… Continue reading 10 Directors And The Comic Movies They Should Make

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