The search for self is a scary thing. Maybe even haunting at times. You have to break down and leave yourself vulnerable to suggestions and that can leave...
Comics Reviews Articles
God of War: Fallen God # 3 (REVIEW)
As I finished reading issue # 3 of Dark Horse Comics God of War: Fallen God, I realized something I had overlooked while reading previous issues. I guess...
ShadeCraft # 1 (REVIEW)
I'll be honest, I never have grasped using the term "shade" as an insult. At it's most simple level, in the shade is typically the place you want to be....
HOLMES Is Where The Terror Is
From the first time I stumbled upon an issue Zenoscope has always been a bit of a different publisher for me. If all others were Early Readers, this was...
Home Sick Pilots # 4 (REvIEW)
There is no denying the link between home and the heart. If you're fortunate, home is a place of refuge and restoration after devastating events. Image...
God of War: Fallen God # 1 (REVIEW)
Is this story a prologue or epilogue. For an individual whose life is long and legendary, that is a difficult question to answer. That's the problem and...
Ice Cream Man # 23 (REVIEW)
And now for something disturbingly different. That's one take on Issue # 23 of Image Comics Ice Cream Man. If you’re anything like me you're used to the...
Radiant black # 1 (REVIEW)
For me, if you're gonna add an adjective to your name or title, you have to live up to the hype. This goes for a team that wants to be remembered as...
The Unkindness of Ravens # 5 (REVIEW)
No one wants to be the "backup plan"; it doesn't matter if it's the prom or the job promotion. There is no denying the bitter realization that some...
Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: Masquerade
Labyrinth: Masquerade is an example of the creativity of the team that carries the legacy that is Jim Henson. Despite the film being decades old, the...
Ice Cream Man # 22 (REVIEW)
Normally, what I can expect from an issue of Image Comics Ice Cream Man is either creepiness or commentary: a surreal sickeningly look into the mindset of...
Home Sick Pilots # 1 (REVIEW)
Despite the small difference, there is a big difference between belonging and belongings. Feeling like you should be somewhere isn't the same as something...