During #SDCC this weekend, Warner Bros put on some impressive panels showcasing a few of their upcoming movies. Casts from Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and...
Cyborg Articles
Fighting the Unknown in ‘Justice League Rebirth’ #1 (Review)
Justice League Rebirth #1 DC Comics Written by: Bryan Hitch Pencilled by: Tony Daniel Inked by: Sandu Florea Art by: Tomeu Morey Lettered by: Richard...
Justice League Logo and Synopsis revealed
Warner Bros. has unveiled the official logo and synopsis for the upcoming Justice League film, which is currently in production. It also appears the film...
Initial DC Rebirth Stories to Span 2 years, culminating in August 2018
Looks like the Stories launching in June 2016 as part of DC Rebirth's initiative will be culminating in a major story that will take place or begin in...
SCENE N NERD/GWW SPOILERCAST – Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice
It's a very special episode of Scene N Nerd as we're bringing you a SPOILERCAST of DCEU's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. PacingPete is joined by...
Could the Flash solo film feature a Cyborg Team Up?
Speculation is that the Ezra Miller's Flash solo film scheduled for March 16th 2018 could revolve around a team up with Ray Fisher's Cyborg. Although a...
Let’s Not Jump to Conclusions
“I know you've taken it in the teeth out there, but the first guy through the wall. It always gets bloody, always.” – Quote from the film Moneyball I love...
WB and DC Give Fans The Opportunity To Attend The Premiere of “Justice League: Cosmic Clash”
Nothing fits better together than LEGO and DC Comics. These two titans have once again come together for another fun LEGO adventure featuring you favorite...
GWW Capes Crew 101: That Kid Who Draws, Alexander Iaccarino
GWW and Capes is proud to welcome talented gig poster artist: That Kid Who Draws, Alexander Iaccarino live from Austin, Texas. Alexander has worked with...
Victor Stone Unplugged a “Cyborg #1” (Review)
Cyborg #1 DC Comics Written by: David Walker Art by: Ivan Reis & Joe Prado Victor Stone, the man inside of the machine, a machine that DC has pushed...
A return to continuity relevance a “Convergence #6 Review”
Convergence #6 DC Comics Written by: Jeff King & Scott Lobdell Art by: Ed Benes & Eduarado Pansica Convergence #6 will be remembered as the issue...
DC’s Movie Slate: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Comic book fans rejoice! Warner Brothers has announced a slew of movies (10 total!) that they’ll be releasing based on your favorite DC superheroes. The...