Nick Friar

Batman and The Outsiders #12 (REVIEW)

Batman and The Outsiders #12 (REVIEW)

Batman and The Outsiders #12DC Comics Written by: Bryan HillArt by: Dexter SoyColors by: Veronica GandiniLetters by: Clayton Cowles Batman and The Outsiders #12 is the deep breath before the plunge. The issue isn’t loaded with action, but several significant subplots...

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The Eighth #1 (REVIEW)

The Eighth #1 (REVIEW)

The Eighth #1Independent Written by: Adam LawsonArt by: Jorin Evers The chemistry Adam Lawson and Jorin Evers have developed from their work in other mediums is evident from the jump. They hit the ground running in the first issue of The Eighth. The opening chapter of...

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Change My Mind #63: Red Pill or Blue Pill?

Change My Mind #63: Red Pill or Blue Pill?

GWW Radio: SoundCloud | iTunes Change My Mind: iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher Twitter: @ChangeMyMindPOD | @WesleySykes_ | @Fry_Guy1 In Episode 63, Nick Friar and Wesley Sykes took to the internet for inspiration and fun! The two run through a bunch of comic book and...

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Change My Mind #63: Red Pill or Blue Pill?

Change My Mind BONUS – Adam Lawson, Writer Of The Eighth

GWW Radio: SoundCloud | iTunes Change My Mind: iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher Twitter: @ChangeMyMindPOD | @WesleySykes_ | @Fry_Guy1 | @failedsuperhero Nick Friar chats with Adam Lawson, not about his hit YouTube series Escape The Night, but his first graphic novel, The...

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Marvel – DC Crossover: Red Hood vs. …

Marvel – DC Crossover: Red Hood vs. …

When the comic book industry started to feel the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, an idea surfaced that all readers can get behind: a Marvel-DC Crossover. It’s been a while since the two companies joined forces, and it’d probably complicated to do on the business end,...

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Change My Mind #63: Red Pill or Blue Pill?

Change My Mind #62: MCU Rewatch – The Avengers

GWW Radio: SoundCloud | iTunes Change My Mind: iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher Twitter: @ChangeMyMindPOD | @WesleySykes_ | @Fry_Guy1 | @TimWeisberg In Episode 62, Nick Friar and Wesley Sykes are reunited with their former guy in the chair, Tim Weisberg. The trio discusses...

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Marvel – DC Crossover: X-23 and …

Marvel – DC Crossover: X-23 and …

When the comic book industry started to feel the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, an idea surfaced that all readers can get behind: a Marvel-DC Crossover. It’s been a while since the two companies joined forces, and it’d probably complicated to do on the business end,...

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Marvel – DC Crossover: Superman vs. …

Marvel – DC Crossover: Superman vs. …

When the comic book industry started to feel the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, an idea surfaced that all readers can get behind: a Marvel-DC Crossover. It’s been a while since the two companies joined forces, and it’d probably complicated to do on the business end,...

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Harley Quinn Season 2 Episode 3 “Trapped” (REVIEW)

Harley Quinn Season 2 Episode 3 “Trapped” (REVIEW)

Harley Quinn DC Universe Season 2, Episode 3 "Trapped" While Harley Quinn’s direction is evident, she has to take a slight turn in “Trapped” to work toward her the next step in accomplishing her larger goal. And while she’s doing that, some members of her crew are...

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