Much like Poe’s famous poem, Boom Studios Unkindness of Ravens offers hints of uncertainty. Is the message spoken intended to hint at trouble ahead or...
Comics Reviews Articles
Alienated # 6 (REVIEW)
. I don't belong here. It's hard to image another phrase so powerful and poignant. Teeming with both truth and tale. All strangers in a strange land we...
Bliss # 3 (REVIEW)
Chapter 3 of Image Comics Bliss is all about "depths". The depths of humanity, the depths we are willing to go to for family and the depths we are willing...
The Marked # 7 (REVIEW)
Issue number 7 of The Marked continues the search for Pope's soul. We get more information on the time that Pope and Klara spent with Lovecraft, as well...
Inkblot # 1 (REVIEW)
Where most would see a ink stain, I find myself taking another Rorschach Test. I keep getting asked to come back, so I must be pretty good. I just enjoy...
Seven Secrets # 1 (REVIEW)
Secrets, Truths, Lies. I suppose that would be a philosophers take on societies popular game "Marry/Date, F$@!, Pass". They both play out much the same...
Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Ghosts Part Four (REVIEW)
The Storyteller's tales provide amazing lore. Modern society really only presents one flavor of creature. The Storyteller's tales show us that not every...
Mercy # 4 (REVIEW)
John Kreese famously stated in the Karate Kid "mercy is for the weak". Some may argue that there is some truth to that statement. However, Image Comics...
Red Mother #6 (REVIEW)
One of my first reviews for The Geeks World Wide was for Red Mother issue 3. At the time I mistakenly compared this comic book to a movie. If that was the...
Sleeping Beauties # 1 (REVIEW)
Shameful to admit, I have never read a Stephen King novel. Now mind you when I use words like "read something" I mean I haven't read it from cover to...
A Man Among Ye # 1 (REVIEW)
The dark tones of the cover of the first pages sets the tone for this first issue of Image Comics A Man Among Ye. We are after all dealing with pirates....
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Every Generation # 1 (REVIEW)
Taking its title from the opening dialogue of the series, Boom Comics new series takes quite an impressive approach. When I first heard Giles speak that...