Now more than ever, it seems there’s no such thing as an idea that’s too crazy. So why not have another Marvel-DC crossover event?
It’s been a long time since we last had one, and the industry could certainly use it. Things could get complicated on the business end, but both companies teased the idea in a few stories well before the novel coronavirus pandemic.
Writers from both companies have proposed their share of ideas. The possibilities really are endless.
So how about…
Spider-Man (Miles Morales) and Robin (Damian Wayne)

The Pitch: Miles Morales and Damian Wayne could not be more different than one another. One has powers, the other doesn’t. One had a more traditional American upbringing, the other was raised by assassins. Damian probably thinks he could teach Miles a few things, when in reality he can learn a lot more from their interactions. While some of this story could involve crime-fighting, the larger focus could be on them living life as kids: making friends, dealing with family, things along those lines.
Plot: While out patrolling New York, Spider-Man comes across the tiniest crime-fighter he’s ever met: Robin. Though, he quickly finds out this kid uses a little more force than he’s comfortable with — and it turns out he’s just a regular kid, no powers. The next day, Miles finds out there’s a new student at his school named Damian. Even though he’s a little young for high school, that’s not the strangest part about him. Luckily for Miles, he’ll have plenty of time to learn more about his new classmate since he was asked to help Damian get acclimated to the school.
Setting: New York City. Brooklyn Visions Academy — Miles’ school.

Other Characters: As much as Prowler might seem like a basic character to pick to be opposite to Spider-Man, including him in a story that involved Damian Wayne provides a unique element. One half of Robin’s family is pretty questionable at-best, so he could offer a perspective on Miles’ strange family dynamic that few can.
Notes: The artwork has to be reflective of Miles’ view of the world, because Damian was dropped into the Marvel Universe. At the same time, whoever writes this story has to be comfortable leaning into Damian’s horrible social skills. Otherwise, the story will fall flat.
More Marvel DC Crossover Pitches:
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