Ryu Hayabusa’s adventures live on! As part of their Generation Series, renowned retro revivalists Brave Wave Productions have opened pre-orders for the...
Console Gaming Articles
The Jackbox Party Pack 3 Review
I'll never forget playing the classic You Don’t Know Jack with my friends back in the 1990s. Sitting around a small PC, we listened as the world's most...
Bad Games With Good Music: Part 2
The technical aspects of the Nintendo Entertainment System truly exemplifies how little the composers of the time were working with. The NES only supports...
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Confirmed for 2017 Switch Release
Developer Monolith Soft has confirmed that 2017 will see the release of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on the Nintendo Switch. The open world series has been...
Hunter’s Legacy Review
I got a chance to review Hunter's Legacy, a very gorgeous 2D platformer starring Ikki, a cute cat who must save the kingdom of Iripur from the...
Burnout Developers Return with Danger Zone for PS4
Former developers of the beloved Burnout franchise will return to PS4 with Danger Zone, a high-octane crash simulator. Three Fields Entertainment has...
Night Trap to Return on PS4 and Xbox One
<Editor's Note: I can't believe this is a real thing. /Joe> The 1990s were a strange time for violent video games as parents, retailers, and the...
Bad Games with Good Music: Part 1
In the late 1980s, software releases for the NES were among the most popular electronics in the world. With Nintendo’s determination to continue the...
Infinite Minigolf Heading to an eShop Near You
Zen Studios, creators of pinball games including Rogue One, Marvel, and Bethesda versions, have announced the upcoming release of Infinite Minigolf for...
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series Episode 1 Review
Telltale games have returned with yet another new franchise, this time putting their unique spin on a Marvel property in Guardians of the Galaxy: The...
Here’s What To Do If You Want GTA 5 on the Nintendo Switch
So you're telling me there's a chance It's not often you hear of game developer Rockstar Games developing or porting a title to a Nintendo platform, but a...
Best Buy to Sell Remaining NES Classic Stock Today
If you’re in need of an NES Classic, Best Buy just may have you covered. Fresh off the heels of Nintendo’s announcement to discontinue the oft-sought...